Welcome to the Guesstimation Club

Ever heard of the magic of guesstimation? It's like tossing intuition and common sense into a bubbling cauldron of educated guesswork! In our club we're all about honing our guessing game skills through fun and friendly multiplayer quizzes. Every member has the chance to craft their own bundles of brain teasers, ensuring a constant stream of thrilling challenges.
Sound like your cup of tea?


A bundle is a package of numerical information focused on a specific category, whether it's about populations, prices, dates, or anything else under the sun, if it involves numbers, it's fair game for a bundle! Each information contains a question, a numerical solution with its unit, a verified source, contextual information, and relevant tags. These bundles serve as the foundation for quizzes initiated and refereed by their creators, allowing members and invited guests to attempt answering questions and earn points.


The rules for the quiz are straightforward:

  • Score up to 100 points by being quick on the draw and spot-on with your answers
  • Pay attention to the units; we might delve into millions or nanoscales
  • Most importantly, have fun!